

Cornelis Networks Participates in the Hyperion HPC User Forum Spring 2022

April 8, 2022
Lauren Reynolds

Cornelis Networks participated as a sponsor at the recently concluded Hyperion HPC User Forum that was held from March 28 – March 30. The forum featured a wide range of topics, including pre-exascale supercomputer updates, new directions in processors, updates in energy efficiency, HPC advances in weather and climate, HPC system design requirements and solutions, industry direction for system design software, and announcements of the 2021 HPC Innovation Award winners. Vendors like Cornelis Networks had the opportunity to provide updates on their portfolio as well.

Our session featured Douglas Fuller, Software Director at Cornelis who shared the beta release of Omni-Path Express delivering breakthrough performance, and Dr. Thomas Steinke, Head of Zuse Institute, NHR/ZIB Berlin who shared promising validation results on a few applications.

In case you missed the virtual event, you can visit and click Previous Meeting Presentations for a list of all presenters. You can scroll to find the Cornelis presentation PDF and video link to listen and download, both of which are also shown below.


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